Time management for recruiters - A blog on how to manage your time for success.

7 Strategies: Time Management for Recruiters

Where freelance recruiters are constantly balancing multiple tasks and deadlines, time management for recruiters is crucial. Luckily, in this modern age, there are a lot of tools on offer which means freelance recruiters have access to a wide range of

A blog about finding the best candidate source in recruitment.

The Best Candidate Source in Recruitment

Finding the right candidate can feel like finding a needle in a haystack. With so many potential sources for hiring, it can be overwhelming for recruiters to identify the most effective candidate source. However, with the right strategies and tools,

Free Recruitment Software Launch Your Recruitment Business Without Costs

Giig’s Free Recruitment Software: Launch Your Business Without Costs

You read that right!  At Giig Hire, we’re building free recruitment software to support Freelance Recruiters & Startup Agencies.  You can now get your hands on an all-in-one platform that gives you access to all the tools you need to

The big 6 recruitment software platforms for small businesses

The Big 6: Perfect Recruitment Software for Small Businesses

Recruiting the right talent is crucial for any business, but for small businesses, it can feel like an overwhelming task. Limited resources, tight budgets, and fierce competition leave you fighting an uphill battle. That’s where specifically designed recruitment software for

Freelance Recruiting Career, what are the costs attached to working as an independent recruiter?

The 7 Surprising Costs Attached to a Freelance Recruiting Career

Embarking on a freelance recruiting career is an exciting venture that opens the door to a world of opportunities. Whether you’re a seasoned recruiter looking to transition into the realm of freelance recruiting or a newcomer eager to carve your

Image for the blog LinkedIn Recruiter Cost

A Guide To LinkedIn Recruiter Cost

LinkedIn Recruiter has cemented itself as a powerhouse in the world of recruitment. Its unparalleled access to passive candidates, targeted search tools, and robust employer branding features make it a coveted weapon in the recruiter arsenal. However, there always seems

What are the best freelance recruiting platforms ? blog

5 Best Freelance Recruiting Platforms in 2024

The freelancing industry is booming, with an estimated 90 million freelancers worldwide contributing an estimated $1.2 trillion to the global economy. As a freelance recruiter, you play a vital role in connecting businesses with talented candidates who can help them

Image for the blog - Is it possible to build an AI recruitment agency?

Can you build an AI recruitment agency?

As I watch AI pick up traction online, I can’t help but question, whether it’s achievable to build an AI recruitment agency! The Role of AI in Recruitment: You are living under a rock if you haven’t noticed that artificial

Freelance Recruiter Jobs - A blog which explains the changes and trends in freelance recruitment.

Freelance Recruiter Jobs: Making a Mark in the Industry

Introduction: The Rise of Freelance Recruiter Jobs and Why They Are in High Demand In recent years, there has been a significant rise in the demand for freelance recruiter jobs. As businesses adapt to the changing landscape of work, many

Cover image for the blog - Free Recruitment Chrome App which contains a screenshot of the phone app available.

How To Download A Free Recruitment Chrome App!!

A Free Recruitment Chrome App is now available for you to download and keep on your Desktop!  Are you someone who moves at 100mph when you’re working? If so, you will often end up with 1000 Chrome tabs open at