What is a Recruitment Consultant?

In this blog, we answer the question, of what is a recruitment consultant and discuss everything you need to know. In a nutshell, recruitment consultants are the matchmakers of the employment world. They specialize in connecting employers with qualified candidates.

If you're looking to understand CV parsing this blog 'What Is CV Parsing?' explains the process and shares a free CV parsing tool.

What Is CV Parsing?

If you’re looking to understand CV parsing this blog will cover the question “What is CV parsing?”, explain the benefits of CV parsing and share a free CV parsing tool you can get your hands on today!  Things covered in

Talent Acquisition Specialist: Everything You Need to Know

In this blog, we examine the role of a talent acquisition specialist identifying their responsibilities, what makes a great one and the financial potential within the role. We also look into the differences between a talent acquisition specialist vs a

CRM for Staffing Companies: The 5 Best in 2024

Finding the right tools to streamline your workflow is crucial in recruitment. Utilising the best recruitment CRM for staffing companies can be a game-changer. With so many options on the market, choosing the best CRM for staffing companies can feel

Here are 7 tips for anyone starting as a Freelance IT Recruiter. These 7 tips will give you the best chance of success.

7 Tips To Help You Succeed As A Freelance IT Recruiter

If you’re thinking about setting up as a Freelance IT Recruiter you might be wondering where’s the best place to start?  Starting a new venture can be scary especially when you’re leaving the security of full-time employment to work for

The 7 Best Candidate Sourcing Tools for Recruiters

In this blog, we look into the best candidate sourcing tools for recruiters and highlight what we believe are the best around in 2024. These candidate sourcing tools consist of tools such as: What Are Candidate Sourcing Tools? Candidate sourcing tools

Recruitment Sales Pipeline Blog - A Free Tool To Track Your Sales Pipeline In Recruitment

Here’s A Free Tool To Track Your Recruitment Sales Pipeline!

If you work in recruitment and need a tool to track your recruitment sales pipeline, then get ready to start fist-pumping the air with joy!  I guarantee that by the end of this blog, you will be as excited as

Recruitment Candidate Care: Don’t Neglect it

Where freelance recruiters are constantly hustling to find the perfect match for clients, it’s easy to overlook the importance of candidate care. But focusing solely on landing that one dream candidate is a short-sighted strategy. Here’s why prioritizing positive experiences

Image for the blog titled 'Low Cost Recruiting Software' which talks about Giig's $12.75 starter pack.

Low Cost Recruiting Software — Everything You Need For $12.75

Are you looking for low cost recruiting software?  If you’re a small agency, internal recruiter or thinking about starting a recruitment business this platform gives you access to everything you need for $12.75.  Having the right recruitment software in place

Must Use Candidate Management System (CMS)

As a recruiter, you will have several active projects on your plate with short deadlines. Having to manually keep track of an expanding pool of candidates and manage the hiring process can get very busy very quickly. Here’s where a