If you're looking to understand CV parsing this blog 'What Is CV Parsing?' explains the process and shares a free CV parsing tool.

If you’re looking to understand CV parsing this blog will cover the question “What is CV parsing?”, explain the benefits of CV parsing and share a free CV parsing tool you can get your hands on today! 

Things covered in this blog: 

  1. What Is CV Parsing?
  2. How Does CV Parsing Work?
  3. CV Parsing Demo
  4. Benefits of CV Parsing
  5. A Free CV Parsing Tool!
  6. How To Parse 100 CVs In Under 5 Minutes

What Is CV Parsing?

Like most industries in today’s world, recruitment is fast-paced! 

From the moment a new vacancy drops onto your desk for you to fill, you’re under pressure to locate the perfect candidate in the shortest time possible. 

After ensuring you understand the requirements of the role your next step will be rummaging through your database of candidate CVs hoping to find that hidden gem! 

Having a candidate database that contains accurate information will significantly reduce the time you spend sifting through the data as you will have the ability to locate candidates via an advanced search. 

An advanced search will allow you to filter your database based on the skills you’re looking for in your next hire. 

However, building an accurate database can be time-consuming as it requires you to review every CV and manually input the data. 

This is where CV parsing comes into play! 

CV parsing is the process of extracting relevant information from a candidate’s CV or resume using automation software or algorithms. 

This technology helps you streamline the recruitment process by quickly sorting through large numbers of resumes extracting the data and ensuring your database is accurately populated. 

CV parsing software typically analyses the text of a CV to identify sections such as personal information, work experience, education, skills, and qualifications that will be useful to you as a recruiter.

It then extracts the relevant details from each section and organises them into a structured format, making it easier for you to review and pull up using an advanced search. 

How Does CV Parsing Work?

Most CV parsing tools are fairly simple to use! 

You drag the document/PDF into the platform and let the CV parser work its magic. 

After dragging your candidate’s CV into your ATS the parsing tool will extract the data using the following 4 steps. 

  1. Data Extraction: Initially your CV parsing software scans the document and identifies different sections such as contact information, education, work experience, skills, etc. It uses various techniques like natural language processing (NLP), pattern matching, and machine learning algorithms to identify these sections accurately.
  2. Text Analysis: Once the sections are identified, the software analyses the text within each section to extract specific pieces of information. For example, it may identify job titles, company names, dates of employment, degrees, institutions, skills, and so on.
  3. Normalisation: The extracted data is then normalised, meaning it’s converted into a standardised format to ensure consistency. For instance, dates might be reformatted to a standard date format, and job titles might be standardized to a common set of titles.
  4. Database Population: Finally, the parsed and normalised data is typically stored in a structured database, making it easily searchable and accessible. This database can then be used for various purposes such as talent acquisition, candidate matching, analytics, and reporting.

CV Parsing Demo

If you’re keen to see a demo of a CV parsing tool I have attached a 30-second demo video demonstrating how the Giig Hire platform parses a candidate’s CV. 

Benefits of CV Parsing

Using a CV parsing tool can aid you in the recruitment process in multiple ways. 

  1. Saves Time: As a recruiter your ability to move fast is everything. When you’re initially presented with a role for one of your clients you need to identify candidates that could be a suitable match quickly. Having a database with accurately parsed data allows you to use the advanced search feature to pull this list up in seconds.
  2. Database Population: Initially setting up your database can be a time-consuming task. Instead of manually adding candidates 1-by-1 a mass CV parsing tool will allow you to add multiple candidates in a matter of seconds again, saving time.
  3. Enhanced Accuracy: Your ability to accurately match candidates to roles is important for both the candidate and your client. Entering your candidate data into your database manually can lead to you making mistakes and result in poor data collection. By using a CV parsing tool you ensure that the data stored in your database is accurate. 
  4. Scalability: CV parsing is scaleable, allowing you to handle large volumes of resumes and applications at once. If you’re in a recruitment role that receives large numbers of applications a CV parsing tool will help you service this need. Some CV parsing tools have mass upload features allowing you to parse multiple CVs at once. CV parsing is especially effective for freelance/independent recruiters who work alone, as it allows you to manage the workload of multiple people. 
  5. Enhanced Candidate Experience: Improving the accuracy and efficiency of your database can improve the overall candidate experience. By improving your database quality, the CV parsing process also helps you find the role best suited to your candidate. 

A Free CV Parsing Tool 

If you’re just starting in recruitment or you’re part of a small business looking for a tool to manage your recruitment process the Giig Hire platform has a ‘Free Forever’ software package you can start using today. 

The Giig platform is an all-in-one recruitment solution aimed at supporting freelance recruiters and small businesses by giving you all the tools you need to launch your business and manage your recruitment process. 

The free platform contains: 

  • Free Recruitment ATS 
  • Free Recruitment CRM 
  • Free Recruitment Website Builder
  • Free Recruitment Careers Page
  • Recruitment AI Tools 

To take a look at the pricing page for the Giig platform click HERE.

The Free Forever version of the Giig platform contains a CV parsing tool that allows you to get a feel for how the platform can help you with the data extraction process. 

The Free Forever version of Giig is limited to 10 CV parse credits a month, so if you’re a business that requires more than 10 per month you can upgrade to one of the other packages to increase the number of CVs you can parse. 

How To Parse 100 CVs In Under 5 Minutes!

As I’ve mentioned a couple of times in this blog, setting up your database can be time-consuming. 

If you’re a business with a folder of CVs that you need to upload the Giig platform allows you to drag 100 CVs at once that will be uploaded to the platform in less than 5 minutes. 

After uploading the CVs you can use the platform for other tasks whilst the CV parsing tool works its magic in the background. 

After completing the parsing process you will be left with a fully searchable database where the candidate files contain skills, contact details, location and work history which can all be filtered. 

Keen to see this one in action? 

Here’s a video showcasing the Mass CV Parse tool available in Giig. 

So hopefully this blog has answered the question “What Is CV Parsing”. 

If you have any questions about the topic or the capabilities of the Giig Hire platform, feel free to reach out to me. 

I have attached a link to my LinkedIn profile and the Giig Hire YouTube channel below. 

Giig YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/@giighire

Luke Pitkin LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/in/luke-pitkin-79060094/