Image for the blog - What is a freelance recruiter? That gives you the tips and tricks you need to get started as a freelancer.

If you’re wondering what is a freelance recruiter, this blog will help you understand the positives, the negatives and how you can get started using the Giig Hire free applicant tracking system.

Becoming a freelance recruiter can offer a range of benefits, including flexibility, high earning potential, independence, variety and rewarding work where you match talented candidates with job opportunities that can transform their lives and career paths.

What is a Freelance Recruiter?

A freelance recruiter is an independent professional who specialises in connecting talented individuals with job opportunities. Unlike traditional in-house recruiters or recruitment agencies, freelance recruiters operate as solo entrepreneurs, offering their services on a project, contract or contingency basis. These skilled individuals leverage their expertise in sourcing, screening, and assessing candidates to match them with the specific needs of companies seeking new talent.

Freelance recruiters often work remotely, using their network, online platforms, and industry knowledge to identify potential candidates. Their flexibility allows them to collaborate with multiple clients simultaneously, offering a tailored and personalised approach to recruitment. In essence, freelance recruiters play a crucial role in bridging the gap between employers and job seekers, contributing to the dynamic and ever-evolving landscape of the modern workforce.

What is the difference between a freelance recruiter and a recruiter?

This section highlights the differences between a freelance recruiter and a recruiter.

The Traditional Recruiter:

  • Works for an agency: Employed by a recruitment agency, they represent various companies across different industries.
  • Compensation: Earns a salary and commission based on successful placements.
  • Pros: Access to a large talent pool, expertise in various industries, established systems and resources.
  • Cons: May not specialize in your specific industry, less personalized approach, and agency fees can be high.

The Freelance Recruiter:

  • Works independently: Operates as a solopreneur, contracting with individual companies on specific projects.
  • Compensation: Earns a fee per successful placement, usually negotiated with each client.
  • Pros: Highly specialized expertise, flexible engagement options, often lower fees than agencies.
  • Cons: Limited talent pool compared to agencies, may lack support systems, requires self-marketing and client acquisition.

Key Differences:

  • Employment: Freelance recruiters are their own bosses, while traditional recruiters work for agencies.
  • Expertise: Freelance recruiters often specialize in specific industries or niches, while traditional recruiters may have broader experience.
  • Engagement: Freelance recruiters offer project-based work, while traditional recruiters can offer ongoing partnerships.
  • Fees: Freelance recruiters usually charge fixed fees, while traditional recruiters’ fees can vary based on placement and commission structures.

What does a Freelance Recruiter do?

A freelance recruiter is a professional who is responsible for finding, attracting and selecting candidates for their client’s job openings. The main goal of a recruiter is to identify and attract qualified candidates for a specific job and then evaluate them to determine whether they are a good fit for the position and client.

A few of the key responsibilities of a freelance recruiter include:

Understanding job requirements and their clients: Freelance recruiters work closely with their clients to comprehend the skills, expertise, and qualifications necessary for each job opportunity.

Sourcing candidates: After obtaining a clear idea of the job requirements, freelance recruiters explore various channels such as job boards, social media platforms and professional networks to locate potential candidates.

Screening and interviewing candidates: Freelance recruiters are responsible for evaluating and interviewing candidates to determine if they meet the job requirements and are suitable for the company culture.

Presenting candidates to clients: After identifying qualified candidates, freelance recruiters will present their findings to their clients and provide a shortlist of top candidates.

Facilitating the hiring process: Once the client has selected a candidate, the freelance recruiter will help facilitate the hiring process by negotiating salaries, handling communication and other administrative tasks.

A freelance recruiter plays a vital role in helping companies find the best talent for their job openings. They provide an adaptable and cost-effective solution for businesses that do not have an internal recruitment team or want to complement the team they do have.

What skills and qualifications do Freelance Recruiters need?

Freelance recruiters require a blend of skills, experience and qualifications to be successful in their roles. Here are some of the key skills and qualifications that freelance recruiters need:

Strong communication skills: Freelance recruiters must have excellent communication skills to interact with clients, candidates and colleagues effectively. They must be able to convey their thoughts and ideas clearly and concisely.

Knowledge of the industry: Freelance recruiters must have a thorough understanding of the industry they recruit for, including the latest industry trends and practices. This knowledge helps them identify qualified candidates and make informed decisions.

Sales skills: Freelance recruiters are often responsible for selling job opportunities to potential candidates. Therefore, they need strong sales skills to persuade and influence candidates to apply for job openings.

Networking skills: Freelance recruiters need strong networking skills to build relationships with clients and candidates. They must be able to network effectively through social media, industry events and other channels to expand their reach and find qualified candidates.

Time management skills: Freelance recruiters often work on multiple projects simultaneously, so they must have excellent time management skills to prioritise tasks and meet deadlines.

How much can you earn as a Freelance Recruiter?

Self-employed recruitment consultants can work in several different ways, the most popular being a monthly retainer or contingency. The level of jobs being recruited will significantly impact income as the typical commission is anywhere between 12% and 25% of the annual salary of the successful candidate.

Photo by Fabian Blank on Unsplash

According to Glassdoor, the average national salary in the United Kingdom for a freelance recruiter is £34,547 with highs of £75k+, whilst in the United States the average is reported as $59,942 with highs of $100k+. Other sites, such as report higher figures than these.

Things To Consider When Becoming a Freelance Recruiter.

Becoming a Freelance recruiter can offer more freedom, flexibility, and earning potential. Here’s what to keep in mind.

Why Become a Freelance Recruiter?

There are a number of compelling reasons why becoming a freelance recruiter should be highly considered.

One of the stand-out reasons is the flexibility to work anywhere you want and when you want. Whether that be in the comfort of your own home, up a mountain in a snow-covered chalet or on a nice island beach in the sun.

Being your own boss brings with it more responsibility but gives you the freedom of choosing who you want to work with, how many clients you want to work with and what industries you would like to focus on.

In addition to these, there is also higher earning potential. Working for an organisation usually entails a fixed salary, freelancing on the other hand provides an opportunity for unlimited earning potential. As you gain more expertise as a freelancer your earnings will typically increase as well. With this in mind, freelancing can be an excellent way to augment your earnings while working part-time or full-time.

There are endless benefits associated with freelancing. To be successful and unlock the full potential of a freelance recruiter, these benefits need to be accompanied by good discipline and excellent time management.

Struggling to know where to start?

Giig offers a free Applicant Tracking System (ATS) which is everything you need for your applicant tracking and candidate management. Once you have started building your network/database on Giig you will then have the added benefit of being connected to clients that use the Giig marketplace.

Where to secure freelance recruiter jobs?

Here’s a link to the 5 Best Freelance Recruiting Platforms in 2024!