Recruitment Sales Pipeline Blog - A Free Tool To Track Your Sales Pipeline In Recruitment

If you work in recruitment and need a tool to track your recruitment sales pipeline, then get ready to start fist-pumping the air with joy! 

I guarantee that by the end of this blog, you will be as excited as these chaps on the dodgems when I show you this sale pipeline tracker, that you can get your hands on for free! 

This tracker is beneficial for anyone who works in external recruitment as either; a Freelance Recruiter, Small Agency Owner or Recruitment Consultant. 

It will allow you to get a quick snapshot of the total sales value of the candidates you have interviewing with your clients. 

The image below shows you what this looks like! 

External Recruitment Is Tough!

Working in the recruitment industry can be tough, especially as a freelance recruiter or small agency owner.

You run around all day speaking with candidates and clients trying to connect the dots and make placements. 

If you’re not making sales calls to win new business, you’re on the phone trying to find candidates to place into the roles with your clients. 

It’s a hectic life!!!

When you’re running around like a headless chicken, doing the core daily activities you might find yourself neglecting the important stuff. 

Like tracking and forecasting your sales pipeline!! 

As a business owner or freelance recruiter, you need to understand your recruitment sales pipeline. It allows you to forecast your potential sales for the months ahead. 

If you don’t track your numbers you will soon find yourself making no sales, wondering where it all went wrong! 

So What’s The Answer? 

Let me break it down for you in a couple of steps! 

STEP 1 — Set Up A Recruitment ATS/CRM

Before you can track your sales pipeline you first need a recruitment ATS/CRM to track the jobs you’re working on and the candidates you have in process. 

As a small Agency Owner or Freelance Recruiter, it can often be easy to try and build your business without setting up a Recruitment ATS/CRM

I see it all the time… 

Freelance Recruiters who try to track their process manually or by using Excel. 

Which never works, as it’s so easy to lose track of things. 

The reason that Freelancers often try to track their work manually is usually because recruitment software is too expensive. 


The Giig Hire platform has a completely free recruitment ATS/CRM that you can start using today and the best bit… 

The sales tracker is included in the FREE version!!! 

There’s no need to upgrade to access it. 

You can check out the Giig Hire Free ATS HERE

All you need to get started is an email address. There’s no trial period and you can store as much data as you need to.

It’s a perfect little system if you’re just starting out or running a small business. 

STEP 2 — Start Tracking Your Recruitment Sales Pipeline

Once you’ve signed up to Giig and started to upload your candidates and clients to the platform you’re over halfway there! 

The second step is to start tracking the total sales figure of the candidates you have interviewing. 

So you can understand what that cash figure will be to you, when the candidates are hired. 

Tracking the total pipeline view is simple as the Giig Hire platform automatically updates it for you! 

Every time you submit a candidate to a job that you’ve uploaded to the CRM the platform will automatically calculate what the end fee will be to you based on the agreement you have with your client. 

Let me show you a screenshot, so you can see for yourself. 

The screenshot above is taken from the Interview Pipeline board inside the Giig Hire system. 

The interview pipeline board is a drag-and-drop system that allows you to move candidates from ‘Sent To Client’ through to ‘Hired’ 

When you submit a candidate to a job, the Giig platform will automatically create a candidate ticket and add it to the board for you with the sales figure attached at the bottom of each ticket. 

3If you then cast your eyes to the top right of the board, you will see that the total sales figure of £43,900 is located there. 

This will increase and decrease as candidates are added and removed from this board. 

As I mentioned the platform will automatically enter these figures for you, so that it’s no extra work. However, if you need to adjust them manually this is also possible and you can see how that works by watching this video. 

At the start of this blog, I claimed that you would be fist-pumping the air with excitement at the fact you now have access to a Free Recruitment ATS/CRM that provides you with a free automated recruitment sales pipeline tracker! 

I hope you’re sitting there pumping your fist and I hope this free way to track your total sales pipeline will help you to forecast your cash flow and make a success out of your recruitment business! 
